Sell Without Listing

We currently have hundreds of pre-qualified buyers in our database.

Watch the video below to learn more.

Fill out the form below and we’ll do the following:

  • Cross-reference our database to identify potential buyers seeking homes matching your style and size within your specific neighborhood.

  • Your information will be securely entered into our "Confidential" Lamacchia Links system, ensuring you're promptly notified when new buyers seeking your style of home emerge, whether it's within a week, a month, three months, etc.

  • Once we discover a suitable match, we'll inform you first. Only with your explicit permission, we'll then notify our buyers about your home.

  • We consistently generate over 100 new buyer leads each week.

  • At present, we have numerous cash buyers ready to offer top dollar for the right home. They're prepared to waive contingencies, demonstrate flexibility with closing, and even accommodate a leaseback arrangement for your seamless transition.

Work With Matt

Matt is committed to helping his clients achieve any of their real estate goals, big or small! With over a decade of experience, he shares valuable insights, drawn from his successes and lessons learned along the way.

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